Meet the Retailers

Meet the Retailers…Nir Guy of Perfumology USA

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We help each other build our brands as fellow small businesses in the perfume industry

-Nir Guy

This week, the Le Jardin Retrouvé flag lands in Philadelphia, USA and the shelves of Perfumology, owned and managed by Nir Guy. Nir kindly took time out of his busy schedule to share his thoughts on Le Jardin Retrouvé and why he became a valued LJR retailer.

How did you discover Le Jardin Retrouvé?

I first heard about Le Jardin Retrouvé from a few customers of ours at Perfumology. They told me that I absolutely had to try Cuir de Russie and Tubéreuse Trianon. I visited Paris about a year later, coincidentally staying a mere two blocks from their offices. Michel messaged me, “You’re right here! You absolutely must visit!” He was right. They wowed me with their perfumes and presentation, but that’s not why we ordered the brand. I brought the Le Jardin Retrouvé because I was impressed with Michel and Clara. They’re really great people.

“They wowed me with their perfumes and presentation, but that’s not why we ordered the brand. I brought the Le Jardin Retrouvé because I was impressed with Michel and Clara. They’re really great people.”

– Nir Guy

What do you like about the brand?

Several reasons. I love the people behind the brand. Michel, Clara, and their team are wonderful. Everyone has been an absolute treat to work with. We help each other build our brands as fellow small businesses in the perfume industry. I also love their brand story. As a family business in Philadelphia, we look for other small companies who are similar. A husband and wife team who work with the original formulas that Michel’s father, the original perfumer, made is great. True vintage, unchanged in terms of formulae and material sourcing. Clean from the start and to this day.

What are your plans for the future of your business?

We will continue to develop independent fragrance brands in the United States. Bringing attention to brands in our market provides us and our customers with tremendous joy. Every single day, more people turn their heads and get to say, “what is this brand?” We will also continue to do it at an independent level, allowing us the freedom to float from fragrance to fragrance in order to best serve perfume lovers. I also love to produce our own perfumes locally and look forward to further developing our personal brand.

About Perfumology

You can find Perfumology in the Old Town District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Nir also provides a mail order service within mainland USA. Find out more about Perfumology here. Images by kind permission of Nir Guy.

Clara Feder is Le Jardin Retrouvé Creative Director. She’s also a writer and a ghost writer with more than 20 published books. Her art has been exhibited all over the world and she creates synesthetic and multimedia exhibitions and displays for the brand.

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