You are warmly welcome through the gates to Le Jardin Retrouvé’s garden of wellbeing! Warning: the latest Le Jardin Retrouvé product is something different, special, something that perfume houses don’t usually do.
A deck of 24 beautifully designed Oracle Cards sits in your hand, perhaps holding the answers to a question you may have. They might offer guidance when life seems too busy to let us read our own thoughts. They will certainly connect us to the still, small voice inside that we may not have listened to since the simpler times of our childhood.
Le Jardin Retrouvé Oracle Cards are a simple wellbeing ritual that guides you down the right path, and you can do it wherever you are in the world. Read Clara Feder’s own words on the fascinating and surprising reasons that led to their conception.
The Inner Garden
The symbolism of the Garden is powerful. It is based on the universal desire for a place of protection and abundance. As “Le Jardin Retrouvé”, which means the Rediscovered Garden in English, we are constantly exploring this symbolism. Since 1975, we have been expressing it through our focus on the Planetary Garden – eco-design and eco-responsibility – and our expertise in the Enchanted Garden, where all of our Made in France scented products and perfumes have been delighting our fans for over 47 years. This fall, we are launching a line especially dedicated to all those who want to develop their Inner Garden, the Well-Being collection.
It’s all about creating a space for yourself, to help you cope with life’s adversities and to implement Mindfulness in your daily life . L’Oracle du Jardin, is the first product of this new collection, and it is linked to our range of five scented candles to help you focus on the rituals devised for you.
L’Oracle du Jardin is the brainchild of Creative Director, Clara Feder, a globally recognised artist whose tagline has always been “I create Safe Places.” It was only a short step from there to developing the Inner Garden and the Wellbeing collection!
Inspired by the relationship between Le Jardin Retrouvé Fragrances and the natural ingredients within their perfumes, each card has been uniquely designed by Le Jardin Retrouvé’s in-house artist, Kaya Bagamaz in close collaboration with Clara Feder. A delight to look at, each card holds a meaningful message that only you can interpret. Should you need more guidance, you can click on the website – on the image of the card you drew and discover advice and quotes.
How to use them
Clara recommends both a morning ritual and two evening rituals for the maximum wellbeing effect.
Morning Ritual
Light a candle. After shuffling, place the card deck within easy reach. Sit or lay still for a moment, close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing coming in and out. Feel its restorative, healing power. Then open your eyes and draw a card. Look at it carefully and absorb its meaning. What can you achieve today with this energy? How can it help you? How can it help others around you? Put the card somewhere you feel comfortable with, perhaps where you can easily see it.
Night Rituals
Closing the Day
Light a candle. Sit or lay still for a moment, close your eyes and pay attention to your breathing coming in and out. Feel its restorative healing power. Take a moment to reflect on your day, starting from the morning. Let the good moments come to you. How are they related to the energy card you picked up in the morning? If challenging moments come to mind, how can the energy card help you? Take time to answer these questions. Writing them down can be a good way to close the day.
Preparing for the night
Place your day card back in the deck and shuffle the cards. Draw a card and place it on your night table or near your pillow. Let it bring you peace during your sleep or enhance your dreams.
What will the cards tell YOU?
And now, you can try it for yourself. You’ll find our Oracle Cards here alongside our candle selection. Choose whichever one you feel drawn to and create your own inner garden, a true place of protection in this busy world. Choose whichever of our five fragrant candles you are drawn to. A sixth one, Sandalwood Sacré, will be released in November, and we’re not stopping there, as the collection will soon be expanded to include Scented Notebooks and Pillow Mists. To be continued!
We also love your suggestions and feedback, so don’t hesitate to contact us directly via email, or on Facebook, Twitter , Instagram, or TikTok.